Energise to Lead.

Reimagining Wellness, Mental Health & High Performance

The greatest myth we have been sold is that our brain, mind and bodies are malfunctioning, sabotaging us and holding us back. We have created the Energise Suite to highlight the primary factor contributing to our declining mental and physical health both at work and at home.

Terms like wellness, wellbeing, mindfulness and mental health are prevalent in the corporate sector, reflecting a renewed focus on employee happiness and health. Yet, despite this focus, mental and physical illness, ‘toxic’ environments, and burnout are on the rise. This suggests that the current approaches may not only be ineffective but could be major contributors to the declining health and happiness of organisations and their employees.

The Energise programs offer a forgotten skillset and unique philosophy to help individuals remember and demonstrate their inherent self-leadership qualities and profound self-healing abilities.

The Energise to Lead Program is a 2-day intensive development journey for CEO's and senior leaders delivered face to face with 8-weeks of 1:1 and group coaching and 1-day virtual follow up. We can also deliver a lighter version of this program - 'Energise' for participants at all levels in an organisation.

A Unique Methodology.

RoundTable Global is pioneering a unique philosophy and skillset that is rapidly becoming the industry standard for helping leaders and their corporations achieve happiness, health, and optimal performance. We created the Energise suite of programs to address the urgent need for an evolutionary leap in our approach to wellness and mental health, as our leaders and corporate environments are becoming increasingly unhealthy. The rise in fake positivity, blame and control addiction, fear (anxiety) and burnout among leaders, managers and employees is unsustainable for fostering creativity, genuine confidence, joy and profitability in our professional, and personal lives.