Our Philosophy.
RoundTable brings together the creative and corporate worlds in exciting and mutually beneficial learning environments. We are passionate about creating symbiotic relationships between the two cultures where transformation, innovation and a new style of leadership becomes effortless.
Built on the curious questioning of everything we have been told to be true by Denis Murphy and the intuitive facilitation experience of Tiffany Kelly, our program philosophy and delivery design has been co-created using the wisdom, learnings and global experiences of our team.
Leading from the Centre.
Unique and different can be counterintuitive until it becomes intuitive and normal but the journey is very much worth the effort.
RoundTable Global is offering a philosophical approach to leadership and employee wellbeing and performance rather than a competency-based one. We do this because in a complex technologically evolving world, it’s time for simplicity where we remember how to reconnect and build a new relationship with ourselves.
Looking at yourself and your impact on the people around you is the core of any self-development and emotional intelligent initiative. This is where we intuitively agree. It is why we created our philosophical approach to leadership, wellbeing and performance: Leading from the Centre.
What is counterintuitive is the way RTG addresses our known and unconscious influences that impact our perception, emotional state and ultimately our decision making.
Rather than a competency-based approach where control-based coping mechanisms, tools and techniques are taught to regulate and control various cognitive and emotional process, we focus building a skillset around self-listening, self-empathy and self-honesty.
The rapid increase of burnout, mental and physical illness amongst leaders and our employees is a sign that what we have been doing needs to be questioned. Why is this happening? Our ecosystems at work (and at home) are talking to us, giving us feedback, but we have been trained to ignore the signs. We have grown leaders and corporate cultures focused on doubling down on controlling themselves and getting better at fixing external issues, leaving employees exhausted as as they are left constantly firefighting.
It’s time for more symbiotic leadership where we get more skilled and comfortable looking inward and focusing on the one person we take everywhere with us to finally see how we shape our reality from within. It is why we created Leading from the Centre.
“What you offer will help so many people, but it’s so counterintuitive!”
“What you offer isn’t only different but it’s unique. It’s life-changing. Thank you!”
Blaise Pascal
“Nature is an infinite sphere of which the centre is everywhere and the circumference nowhere.”
Leonardo Divicci
“Learn how to really see. We realise that everything connects to everything else.”
Nicola Tesla
“If you want to know the secrets of the universe see it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
The Blame Game.
Co-Founder Denis Murphy explains how we can change the course of history by helping people recover from an addiction they didn’t know they had.